Ousmane Dembélé, a footballer bought a few years ago by FC Barcelona to replace Neymar who left the club, has not fully fulfilled this role, but his performance has been getting better lately and we hope he will finally show his great talent and will play regularly at the high level and not just from time to time.
His last few good matches played by Dembele drew our attention to the element of playing with both legs.
Dembele shows that it makes no difference to him whether he plays with his left or right foot.
This gives the team a huge advantage because the opponent is not able to predict what such a player will do!
Many scouts say that nowadays it is very difficult to find players who play with both feet at a very high level, and once they discover one, their chance of an offer from a good team increases significantly!
Therefore, if you are fully involved in your development and you do absolutely everything to attract the attention of scouts, do not forget about this aspect and regularly train the game with your weaker foot!
We have a set of exercises for you to help you improve this element!
If you want the effects to appear as soon as possible, start training today!