One of the greatest athletes in history, and certainly the greatest tennis player who, as the only one in history, won 23 Grand Slam tournaments in his career, Novak Djokovic gave an incredibly useful tip on the way to success.
Well, Novak said that in his opinion the key to success is to "LIVE IN THE NOW".
It means to focus on what is now and not what was in the past or will be in the future!
The point is that you finally stopped living what once was and has passed and if you already have a goal set, the only thing you can do to achieve this goal is HERE AND NOW work hard because only this way you can have an impact on what will happen in the future!
Therefore, if your dream is to be a professional footballer in the future, you can't wait for a miracle, you have to start developing your skills now because otherwise you will wait your whole life and in the end it will turn out that it's too late!
So get to work and make football gain a new quality thanks to you!