Each day you have one less day to spend on this earth.
You can keep doing what you have been doing and I can assure you that in 5 years nothing will change in your life.
If so far you've only talked about how you want to be a professional footballer, that you finally want to start working as a professional, that you want to try out all the chances for promotion and you haven't acted, I can assure you that nothing will change by itself and in 5 years you will be exactly in same place except you will be 5 years older and it will probably be too late!
You can decide on it today and tell yourself
Either I devote myself 100% to training and career development every day to play for my chosen team or I decide to quit the ball and do something else without wasting my time!
If you decide to go to the football top and never give it up again, even though it will be extremely difficult, you will be a stronger man and a better footballer every day!
After a while, you will really understand that each failure is just another stage of your journey and you have to get up and move on!
After a while you will look back and it will be hard to believe how far you have come and how many obstacles you have overcome!
However, if you are not ready for such a sacrifice, you can still dream of success, feel sorry for yourself, blame others and the conditions in which you live for unfulfilled dreams!
Remember, however, that in the end what you will achieve in 5 years depends only on you and the decisions and actions you take today !!