I have some sensational information for you!
Do you know that you won the lottery?
You read that right!
Each of us, no matter where we come from, who our parents are, etc., immediately after birth won a great victory because we received a great gift!
That gift is talent.
Each of us has a talent!
And since you are here, you already have an advantage because you found out what it is!
You already know that football is your talent!
Probably, however, no one has informed you yet that your gift has a limited shelf life and with each day when you do nothing to develop this talent, it becomes less and less worth!
You are in control of every second, minute, hour, day, month and year!
You know soccer is your gift, but there are days when you do absolutely nothing to develop.
You prefer laziness to training, you are looking for excuses for which you have not done anything towards development today!
Why is it like that?
You know that a football player loses in the eyes of the clubs every year if he does not develop and show high skills!
Think about it, it may turn out that your talent is no longer worth anything and it will be your fault only!
The world is constantly moving forward and if you stop, no one will wait for you!
You think to yourself, but I'm poor, I can't train in a big club, I don't have an agent to help me, nobody watches my games etc.
These are just excuses that nobody cares about because I don't know anyone who would get a big contract without hard work and without overcoming many adversities first!
Those who you think are lucky because they are now successful also had to do a great job!
They got up every day at 5 am and trained hard when no one was watching and you were sleeping!
They believed that their chance would come even though everyone thought they had no chance!
Even then, they knew that they could not waste a single day, because the lottery ticket would only win them if, through hard work and non-surrender, they would give value to their talent and do it as soon as possible!
After reading this article, do you still want to make excuses that will allow you to stand still and watch your greatest treasure become worthless and you turn from a potential millionaire to a poor?
The choice is yours and time is running out ...
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