Where is the Zlatan phenomenon?
What is the key to what he has achieved and who he has become?
The basis is incredible faith in yourself and relentless hard work.
Ibra knew from a young age that his goal was the summit.
Although he heard that he should adapt and enjoy what he had, he knew perfectly well that mediocrity was not his path.
First he became the best in his mind.
Nothing could shake his faith in success.
Then he did everything to achieve it.
He was high, so his poor coordination caused shortcomings in football technique.
He trained whenever he could, it was not enough for him to train at the club, so he constantly played with the ball.
To improve his technique, he constantly bounced the ball off the wall.
And he decided to start training martial arts to be more stretched gymnastics and improve coordination.
If you are determined to succeed and want to start by changing your mind, I recommend reading the book "IM Zlatan Ibrahimović"
At the same time, to be like him, use his training method and play football with the wall.