One of the most common questions we get from you is: "What exactly is the winner mentality?"
Well, the winner mentality is primarily the way you react to situations that don't go your way and you fail!
A perfect example of a player who has a decidedly winning mentality is Philippe Coutinho.
Coutinho came to Bayern on loan because he was unwanted in Barcelona.
In the German club it turned out that he will also be only a reserve.
When he had the chance to play, the Bayern coach was usually not happy with the way the Brazilian played. In the beginning, the trainer felt that Philippe was not well prepared physically and had a lot of reservations about him.
What do you think was the reaction of the Brazilian?
Well, Coutinho took the coach's remarks to heart and began to work on his weaknesses individually outside of club training.
During training with the team, he also gave 100 percent of himself, although he practically did not play at all and was still a reserve.
After a few weeks, the coach saw the work done by Philippe and started giving him a chance to play.
It turned out that at the end of the season, Coutinho helped Bayern win the Champions League a lot.
Philippe Coutinho returned to Barcelona after the season ended in success at Bayern. He was still working hard on the improvements his Bayern coach Flick had pointed out to him.
At the moment, Coutinho is one of the best players in FC Barcelona and no one is thinking of selling him anymore.
This is the winner mentality!
And you how do you react to failure and rejection?
When someone points out to you deficiencies and imperfections, do you try to correct them or do you give up?
How do you react when someone refuses to sign a contract with you again and does not want to give you a chance?
Remember that every rejection teaches us something and shows us what we can improve!
If you really want to make a career, do your best to be better every day and show your maximum skills at every step and finally the time will come to find a club, agent or coach who will appreciate your winning mentality and your skills!
Write in the comment what have you done today to be a better footballer and to give yourself a chance to let someone notice your talent?
If nothing, then write and get to work!
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Take advantage of them!