Usually the first pages of the newspaper contain players who score beautiful goals and record spectacular defense or assists ...
However, more and more attention is paid to players who stand out on the pitch with unwavering character, hard work for the team and consistency in tactics.
In fact, such players are urgently needed and very often they are a missing element in team building!
Mario Mandzukić is a perfect example of such a player.
He is quite an effective striker, but first of all he is noticed in the context of how much work he does on the field, because he is a striker, but when he needs it, the team can support the team by playing practically in the defense line.
Therefore, if you are not the type of player who plays spectacularly and yet you would like to stand out and have a chance to appear in professional football, you should follow him!
Always pay attention that after the team loses the ball, you immediately take the action planned by the coach, i.e. you immediately return to half of the pitch or press aggressively on the opponent already in his half of the pitch!
This is an aspect that requires perfect physical preparation and quick decision making so that you always be one step ahead of your opponent!
If you would like to become the type of such a player and stand out in this way, write to us and we will try to help you and receive individual tips from us!
Below we present a set of exercises that will help improve your physical preparation so that you can cope in such a game!