Sometimes it is so that a player has very good skills in many aspects and theoretically should be a star and climb the ladder of his career.
Still, something is holding him back.
Sometimes it can be one small thing that after refining can help you go up very quickly!
An ideal example of such a situation is Adam Traore, a FC Barcelona foster-off who from the beginning had many advantages, he was above all very fast, quite good technically, but he lacked something because for many years it did not translate into goals or assists.
From Barcelona he went to Aston Villa and then to Middlesbrough and only in this last team Adam showed what he can do.
It turned out that his problem was his mentality, lack of confidence and wrong tactical decision in the last stages of the action.
Hard work on these elements brought results and Traore is currently one of the best Wolverhampton players.
This season he is doing very well because he already has 4 goals and 5 assists.
Let it be an example for you that it is worth working on yourself and never giving up because sometimes a small change can have huge effects.
Look for your weakest points at every step, ask trainers but you can also contact us and we will try to help.
Then work on it whenever possible.
Currently, virtually all games are interrupted, so you have time to train and make regular progress.
Don't waste it and TRAIN AT HOME ...