Have you ever felt really hungry?
I mean hunger so bad that you can't focus on anything but finding something to eat?
I mean hunger so strong that it caused excruciating abdominal pain?
It's a feeling that makes you do anything to reach your goal and find something to eat!
On the other hand, the feeling of hunger is completely different.
We ate something quite recently but all in all we would eat something else!
If you want to be successful, you must be hungry for success as much as I described in the first example!
You must be willing to do anything for success!
Each workout should be performed 100 percent!
Every action must be done to the best of your ability!
If you want to have any chance of ultimate success, your hunger for success must tear you apart!
Otherwise you have no chance!
In many cases, football players do not lack talent or opportunities, they simply lack that hunger for success that will push them constantly forward.
If you're reading this, consider if that's your problem, that you don't want success enough!
Ok, if you decided that you want success very much and your succes hunger is ok, write in the comment what you did in the last week to achieve this success!
also upload a video that proves your hard work!
If you don't have it then you have the answer why your career isn't progressing and you're just an amateur or not even an amateur you just talk about it while doing nothing