Time fight the epidemic is a time when we are overwhelmed with bad news from all sides.
As everyone knows, our thoughts create our reality, which means that if you think about something too much and worry about it, sooner or later you will draw it to you.
So if you know the rules of the epidemic, you know what to do to reduce the likelihood of getting sick, just cut off from negative information.
Take care of yourself and your family one hundred percent.
Enjoy being together.
In addition to training, you should focus on determining your goals. Ask yourself a question. Where do you want to get as a footballer?
What are you ready to do and how hard to work to achieve it?
Write it all down on a piece of paper.
Saving such a plan will help you plan all this carefully.
What can you do to focus more, think positively and get rid of negative thoughts?
- Try relaxation techniques such as YOGA.
- Mute, meditate, pray.
- Try to list all the things you are grateful for at the moment.
These are a few simple psychology-based ways that will help you keep your inner peace.
Another very important aspect to keep in mind is regeneration, i.e. maintaining a proper diet and rest after an adequate amount of sleep.
The last element that can help you is that you watch a few replays of matches and pay attention to players who play in your position to learn from them the behavior on the pitch.
Be careful but don't give up on your dreams and make good use of this time!