Each of you who has made the decision to devote yourself entirely to the development of your football skills is wondering what should be done to make scouts from Europe pay attention to him.
Therefore, especially for you, we have obtained information on how scouts Shakhtar Donetsk are searching players.
Shakhtar is a team that has been famous for many years for finding little-known players and then selling them to the best clubs in Europe.
Willian, Fernandinho of Chelsea and Manchester City and many others are players discovered by this Shakhtar.
Jose Boto, the head of scouts from Shakhtar, who worked in Benfica, among others, told in a very long interview about what is key in assessing the player's skills and talent.
1) The first and key element that Shahtar's Scouting draws attention to are aspects of purely football skills.
A) Ball control is, for them, the key to everything.
If you do not have this element mastered to perfection, you have no chance at the start!
The most important thing is that the player feels comfortable with the ball near his leg, so that he has absolute control over it!
B) Another key aspect is the pace of the game and making decisions in a small space under pressure from your opponent.
He explains that there are many players who can do a lot in training and without the participation of the opponent, but when the match appears and the pressure of rivals, it turns out that he is a poor player.
Therefore, he explains that each exercise should be performed under pressure from the opponent or time pressure to allow the competitor to get used to it.
C) If the player meets the first two points, we carefully analyze his technique in terms of effectiveness and decisions made:
First Touch, passing, shots, crosses, duels won, successful dribbles.
If a player has these skills, an equally important aspect is mentality, whether he takes responsibility on himself, whether he is brave and diligent on the pitch, how he reacts to defeats.
How hard he trains, does he improve his weaknesses.
Jose Boto pointed out that if a player has a steadfast character and is determined, most of these elements can be achieved with hard work!
If, at the age of 20, his ball control, physical preparation, technique, or coordination are weak and he does not work on it individually, such a player is a loser and can be an amateur!
Boto also said that Shakhtar is looking for players primarily in Brazil because there is a great role that absolutely every footballer, even when he reaches the professional level, takes part in street games almost every day and thanks to this their skills are so high and unconventional.
I hope the advice from one of the best scouts in the world will make you realize if you should be working on.
That if you perfect the ball control and a few other aspects to perfection, this is your chance!
Our training articles are based on the views of the best trainers and scouts in the world.
Therefore, don't waste your time and take another step forward!
Show your trainings and matches on the portal because maybe someone is looking for a player like you!
If any of you need a training that will improve any of the above-mentioned aspects, write a private message on our fanpage on Facebook.