You've probably heard the saying:
The perfect proof that these words are true is Robert Lewandowski, who joined FC Barcelona so long ago.
The Barcelona coach said that when Lewy joined the club after a few trainings, the quality of training has definitely improved because the Pole performs each exercise absolutely 100 percent.
He is as involved in it as if it was the most important game of his life
The rest of the team took an example from him and, according to the coach, it looks really amazing.
As for the attitude to training, it was similar in AC Milan when this club make most successful. Clarence Seedorf Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Paolo Maldini and Gattuso worked in training with such commitment that the coach often had to calm them down to avoid unnecessary injuries.
Years later, when they asked these players what they thought made Milan so special at the time, they all said it was a determination to work hard and a constant desire to be the best.
Therefore, regardless of where you are currently playing and how far you are from your goal, think if you are not able to give even more and train better!
Remember that it doesn't matter if the rest of the team works the same hard.
Be an example for them and show them the direction with your commitment and work!
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