Diego Simeone, the Atletico Madrid coach, in one of the interviews once said a very important sentence that can help your career move forward:
“I hate players who are apathetic, relaxed and play without sacrifice. In their game, I despise the fear of making key and difficult decisions the most "
These words of the Argentinian trainer should give you food for thought!
Many players we work on the portal ask us why so far they have not received a satisfactory offer from a good club, after all, I do not make mistakes?
The above quote is the answer to your question.
The key to growing is to take the burden of the game on yourself in difficult moments and always fight with full commitment regardless of the result.
Even if you make mistakes sometimes, it is only by taking risks and always fighting 100% that you have a chance to be a valuable player for the teams!
So if you want to move your career forward, you need to become your team leader and take responsibility at key moments!
Even if you fail your team, at least you will learn what element you need to work on so that you don't make a mistake next time!
Don't focus too long on your failure because even the best make mistakes!
It is important how you react to a mistake and if you learn from your mistakes!