In the world of football we have many players who are amazing in training and matches with weaker rivals. However, when the time comes for testing or a very important match, their skills suddenly disappear!
All this is about a lack of confidence and fear on the pitch, but you have to deal with it to be successful and play at a professional level!
Visualization is the perfect solution to this problem.
Visualization is used by the world's greatest athletes such as Ronaldo, Connor and McGregor Wayne Rooney.
What is it and how to apply it?
It is nothing more than imagining an important event that awaits us in such a way that we are the winners and the main heroes who succeed and finally achieve great success.
Watching the best players in the world before training and first imagining yourself that you can perform these elements is helpful in mastering them in training.
All because your subconscious mind is unable to distinguish between imagination and reality.
This is how you can deal with stress and show off your best side!
Of course, the effects will not appear the first time.
This requires regular work for about 30 days with your mind through various visualizations of yourself as a winner and yourself who has already mastered the selected dribble, shot, pass or first touch or whatever you want.
Wayne Rooney closes his eyes the day before each match and on the day of the match after waking up for half an hour and imagines how he will shoot, dribbles or fight for the ball and finally see himself as the winner of the match!
Connor McGregor said: "If you see your success in your imagine, you are not afraid to say all this, and every day, you work hard there will be a day when you achieve it. "
If your goal is success and you want to do everything to achieve it, you absolutely need to start using visualization!
If you have questions and doubts, write to us and we will try to help you.