One of the biggest problems that stops a young player from developing is his ego and his inability to accept criticism and rejection!
Most young players at the beginning of their careers are convinced that they deserve everything absolutely for free without any sacrifice!
Due to the incorrect perception of the world caused by the information contained in Social media, television and newspapers, the player cannot get through the initial difficulties.
Starting his career, he is convinced that at the beginning he deserves a lot of money, recognition from coaches and other players and believes that if someone in his small community called him talented, everything will always be easy for him and he will never have to measure with criticism and rejection.
This misperception of the world leads young players to a situation where, when faced with criticism from more experienced players or rejection by coaches, instead of taking the situation as a lesson and working harder, and after some time trying again, the player begins to blame others, and then I give up myself!
Remember that no matter how much talent you have, no hard work is worth it, and no matter how much praise and skill you have, there will be times when someone will reject you and criticize you!
You need to prepare for it and see it as an incentive to work harder and grow!
In one of the interviews, Cristiano Ronaldo talked about the fact that when he was young he really wanted to learn from players such as Giggs or Scholes, so he took their criticism as something natural and was even grateful for it.
At the same time, he stated that nowadays young players are not able to accept criticism, which means that many will never reach the top level.
Therefore, if you dream of reaching the top level, accept criticism and rejection because it will lead you much higher than mere praise!