Many players who play in offensive positions when you look at them absolutely can do everything and at first glance should score a lot of goals and assists, but this is not always the case.
It happens that, despite a good game in the season, such a player cannot score a single goal or assist.
A great example of such a player at the highest world level is Mohamed Salah, who in the last 4 seasons has never scored below 15 goals.
Earlier in the off-season 15-16, where he had 14 goals, he has never scored more than 6 goals throughout the season since the beginning of his career.
What are the reasons for this and can one help such a player?
Today we will present 5 factors that can be the reason for this, and when the coach will be able to identify the problem and apply the appropriate training, the player today is an inefficient amateur can become a world-class footballer.
1) Speed preparation.
Until recently, there was a belief that speed can hardly be improved by training because the main factor that is responsible for it is genetic predisposition.
Nothing could be more wrong because the use of appropriate training adapted to the specific player, nutrition and sports lifestyle also significantly improve the aspect that in the offensive player's game is often crucial.
2) Coordination preparation.
Coordination is a key element in any position, not just in an attack.
However, his shortcomings are sometimes most apparent just in this position, and given current professional football, if you have shortcomings in this aspect, there is nothing to wait for.
Go to work and the effects will appear very quickly.
If you disregard this element, you can be sure that you will never reach the top.
3) No automatism
Automatism is an aspect about which we recently wrote a separate article on the portal.
Given the current pace and level of football in the world, to keep up with some moves and behaviors, the player should perform automatically.
To work it out, he should impose appropriate time pressure on each workout and train these key elements until he performs them subconsciously without hesitation.
4) Mental deficiencies.
This element, especially among strikers, is very common because when they have a series of successful matches they can score a goal every match from unbelievable situations, but when several matches without goal are coming, for unknown reasons the player wastes a 100% opportunity.
Therefore, sometimes a visit to a mental trainer or just talking to a trainer can be more valuable than hours of training on the pitch.
5) Gymnastic preparation.
This element is increasingly being introduced permanently and increasingly into football.
How important this factor in football is shown by examples of Cristiano Ronaldo who even hired an individual coach from this aspect as well as Zlatan Ibrahimovic who owes his gymnastic preparation to the fact that in his youth he trained taekwondo.
These five aspects can be very valuable for both players with similar problems and coaches who want to develop their players in the best possible way.
In addition, a talent hunter who will be able to identify the problem in the player before someone else does it can get him for much less money and then by helping him improve it will earn big money.