One of the biggest reasons people don't grow is because they think the world owes them something!
They think they deserve something for free because someone else had it easier than you!
If today you sit idle and feel sorry for your fate, saying that since someone else had an easier way to the goal, then someone must help you too, then you are wasting your time!
Remember that there will always be someone who had it easier than you but there are also people who succeeded having it much harder than you!
Remember that life will never be fair and either you will understand it and start working on your development here and now or you will be forever waiting for help that will never come!
Many players write to us to place them in good clubs so that they can start developing.
It's an error!
Start doing everything you can every day to develop your skills and the time will come that everything will change!
Otherwise, soon your time will pass and your chances will be lost forever!
Viktor Osimhen, whom we wrote about many times as a child, did not wait for someone to suddenly buy him shoes so that he could train!
He took matters into his own hands and looked for shoes in a dumpster because he had no money!
If you agree with this point of view, write about it in the comment