Monday motivational articles are usually the most popular among portal users.
Many of you are looking forward to staying motivated to work hard and to believe that your goal is achievable.
We already wrote about the way Junior Messaias went in Italy.
From 5 league club Casale to AC Milan in 6 years.
Today, however, we would like to point out something else in the context of the Brazilian's career.
Well, it wasn't until the age of 17 that Messaias in Brazil join to one of the best academies in Brazil, Cruzeiro.
Earlier, as he says, he learned football in the street playing with his friends.
When he joined such a renowned academy, he believed that he could succeed.
That the street boy has a chance too.
After 3 years at the academy, Cruzeiro found out that he would not get a professional contract despite working so hard.
He landed on level 7 in Brazil playing with total amateurs at the Ideal club.
It was not one step back, but as Junior thought then it was a complete collapse of his dreams of being a professional.
Junior Messaias went to Italy for non-football work, first working on a construction site and then delivering household appliances to customers.
He did not even think about resuming his career, because if he played in Brazil at level 7, he has no chance in Italy.
However, Junior Messaias comes from Brazil, where most of his life he plays for fun and not for money, so after a year of stay, he joined a club created by immigrants to simply enjoy football.
As it turned out later, he was noticed by the club from the 5th league because in club Casale they were looking for a dribbler who could bring some madness from the Brazilian streets to the team.
As you know, Junior was able to show his amazing skills gained in the street so much that after 6 years he went to AC Milan.
What is the lesson for you from this story?
Remember that what sometimes seems to be the end can be the beginning of an amazing story.
The fact that you didn't get a contract today means that you should work harder, and better and keep going, not that your world is over.
If Messaias, from playing in a completely amateur team, could reach the SERIE A CHAMPIONS in 6 years, who knows what you can achieve.
There is only one condition, you must constantly work for it and not be afraid to take risks!
Sometimes you go back to speed up!