If only I had the opportunity to start my career in better conditions, I would definitely be a very good footballer today!
Many of you think so, and this is how you explain your inaction and lack of commitment!
Are you sure those who say so are right?
Usually, in #MotivationMonday, we presented you with the history and perspective of players who had to overcome great difficulties before they could achieve success.
Today we want to reverse it to prove to you that if you have great talent and everyone supports your development from the very beginning, this path is not easier and does not guarantee success!
John Bostock fifteen years ago was considered the greatest talent of English football.
As a 15-year-old he was a rookie at Crystal Palace and at 16 he made his debut at Tottenham.
All the biggest clubs, including the best FC Barcelona at the time, wanted to win him over.
Barcelona even offered a 10-year contract.
At that time, he had absolutely nothing to develop, the best coaches worked with him, he already had a lot of money, he had enormous talent!
However, as it turned out later, the fact that from an early age he did not have to fight for anything and strive for anything was what destroyed his talent!
When there were difficulties with winning a place in the squad or getting in good shape, John was not able to fight and overcome adversities.
All because he always had everything delivered and was supported by others.
His determination was destroyed!
Today, at the age of 30, instead of having the best time in his career, this player will probably end his career!
I recommend that you find the history of John Bostock on the Internet and read his career.
Quite recently, John wrote on his instagram:
"When difficulties arise on your way, instead of giving up immediately, remember the area for which you started playing football and always fight to the end"
John didn't fight because adversity hadn't taught him that!
Do you still think that if you had everything 100% provided, you would be successful?
Probably not because comfort kills your determination!
Every time there is a problem or failure in your career, you should know that it is a gift for you!
Fight for your dreams by working hard every day and the time will come when it will pay off!
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inspiration for the article taken from the page "USIĄDZ OPOWIEM CI O PIŁCE "