It is obvious that each of you, when asked if you want to be outstanding, will say that you do!
Everyone will immediately say that they dream of nothing else than being a professional!
And you know what ?
This perfection is already inside you and you just need to take it out and show it to the world!
However, it is not that easy anymore because it requires hard, everyday and smart work!
It's much easier to watch perfection on TV and talk about how you could be like that too if it weren't for the hard life you have to deal with!
Because you could achieve anything, but you have so many problems!
- You don't have money to develop!
- You have no chance for anyone to see your talent!
- The coach doesn't like you and that's why you can't show everything on the pitch!
But is this really true?
What have you done over the last year to show your football excellence to the world?
Did you train every day?
Have you been looking for support from experts to develop?
Did you record a video and show yourself to the world on the Internet?
Or maybe I'm right and, above all, you like looking at perfection and dreaming about it instead of working on it?
You keep training like an amateur and you hope that something will change!
It won't change because if you train like an amateur you will be an amateur!
After all, greatness is already within you and you just need to bring it out and show it to the world through hard work!
It's hard but you can do it!
However, you need to stop acting like an amateur and start acting like a professional!
You must stop accepting mediocrity and seek perfection in your actions!
Work for it!
Fight for her!
It's going to be a hell of a process, but you can do it!
Because who else but you!
You can make them admire you!
They will treat your path to success as a motivational story!
Everything depends on you, but you have to start taking action and strive for perfection!
Maybe you will never be perfect, but if you reject mediocrity, you will become unique!
You just have to start and then persevere...