I hope that since yesterday you have managed to thoroughly analyze the first part of the article, because it's time for a few points that will complete this article.
Pressure in sports is an indispensable element. Use it as an advantage. During the match, focus on your tasks and goals to be achieved. Completely reject from yourself elements that are beyond your control, such as the weather, referee decisions, the result, the disposition of the opponent or teammates. Remember that what you focus on is your choice. Use pressure as a motivating factor. Remember that other players also get stressed before and during the game. You make friends with pressure and gain an advantage over others. Finally, remember what you felt during the matches with your friends in the yard. Sure, as long as you remember correctly, you didn't feel any tension or pressure. You just did what you enjoyed. Enter the field with the same attitude.
"Pressure? What pressure? This pressure is felt by the millions of people around the world who do not have the money to buy food for their children. This is pressure! Not in football! " ~ Jose Mourihno
Believe in your own abilities and that you are able to achieve your full potential, overcome every obstacle to reach the desired goal. Focus on the strengths you have. Remember how much you can already do and how much time you spent to be here. Think about your conscience, you have worked diligently in training, thanks to which you are able to control your game, and thus you are well prepared for today's match. As Ronaldinho used to say, "Our confidence comes from preparation." Such thinking will help you overcome possible difficulties and increase the effectiveness of your actions.
"I am the greatest. I said that before I even knew it was true. ~ Muhammad Ali
Our emotions and behavior reflect our way of thinking. The brain does not like opposition and obeys it and believes it. Therefore, the belief that we can do something results in finding many supporting arguments - therefore THINK POSITIVE!
Write down a few positive sentences about yourself or the condition you want to achieve. By repeating them, they will go to the subconscious and, in accordance with the principle of self-fulfilling prophecy, they will lead to the introduction of appropriate strategies to your actions.
“Be careful what you focus on. Successful people focus on opportunities. Average people focus on obstacles. "
A few hours before the competition is worth spending on yourself. Calm down, read a book, listen to music, if possible, take a walk or spend time doing something you enjoy.
"To generate great power, you first need to be completely relaxed and must have strength to suddenly concentrate all your strength on hitting the target." - Bruce Lee
Controlling emotions and arousal has a direct impact on the quality of the game, and problems arise when a player is under or over aroused. That's why it's so important to know your optimal state to stay focused and stay balanced. Achieve relaxation and at the same time maintain a sense of inner strength. This can be done through relaxing and stimulating techniques such as adequate breathing or listening to music. Research shows that loud sounds and a fast, steady rhythm can, on the one hand, accelerate our pulse and breathing, and reduce the level of cortisol, which is responsible for stress levels, and on the other hand, effectively increase testosterone levels, and thus arousal. On the other hand, songs with a slower tempo will help us stay calm and increase our level of concentration. Feel into your body and see what you need for optimal stimulation. It is worthwhile to observe how arousal affects your performance.
Before entering the pitch, stop for a moment, stay alone with yourself. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and consider why you are here. What prompted you to play football? Why do you devote yourself and put so much effort into training always to the max. You know how much sacrifice it costs, how many years you have spent on it. Find that feeling within you, this inner strength that guides you. Let all worries, problems stay off the pitch. Now only football matters. Go out on the pitch and do what you really love ...
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