There are many talented players in the world.
However, many of them waste their potential through their own fault without even realizing it.
If you want to avoid it, get acquainted with these six points and think about how many of them apply to you and then eliminate them as soon as possible!
1) You lack faith in yourself and a great, clear goal that you are heading towards.
All the people who achieved great success first had to dare to want it and tell themselves that their goal is to play for one of the biggest clubs, to win cups, etc.
Remember that great players such as Messi, Ronaldo, Mane were once at the beginning of their path and had to break through step by step.
You can be sure that this great goal was one of the reasons that allowed them not to give up in difficult times.
2) You train too little and you do not focus on the key aspects for you.
Most players who have talent and are from the beginning as soon as they start playing football better than their peers usually only a small part of them make a career.
First of all, they think that if they are better, it means that it will always be so and they do not need training.
However, on the contrary, all those who dream of a career should train various aspects of football to absolute perfection not only in club training but also individually.
All this in order to constantly make progress and in the case of finding a better team so that it does not turn out that his excellence is limited only to the team in which he played before and in the team to which he was promoted is only one of many.
3) You expect results immediately and you are not persistent.
Many players we work with think that after a few weeks of individual training there will be effects and we will find a team for them.
However, when it turns out that this process is lengthy and requires a lot of effort and sacrifices, and only at the end when they overcome all difficulties will the reward wait for them, a large part is not ready for it and gives up, even though there was really great hope for final success.
Remember that perseverance and hard work is the key that opens all doors.
4) You are not fully aware of what is most important on the road to ultimate success and you are confusing your priorities.
Many players who use the portal but not only they are not fully aware of what is really important in that their career actually develops.
They write to us to help them send them for tests, organize a team invitation or contact them with the agency.
Because of which they forget about the most important thing, i.e. training and being a better player.
Remember that agencies or clubs are looking for good players, not those who send more messages to them.
Therefore, focus primarily on football and when you are a good player you will succeed.
5) Searching for excuses.
One of your biggest enemies on your way to a career is an excuse.
Many of you write to us that they lack money, that they can't record video because they don't have the equipment, that they can't train because something is a problem.
Remember that these are all excuses.
You can make VIDEO by use smartphone because you have access to the Internet.
Using the portal is free.
You can do your workout virtually anywhere.
The key is just willingness and some effort.
6) You don't use the opportunities you have.
On the example of our portal, we can say that many players with a great opportunity, because we have many connections in the world of football, can change club today, but they can not afford a hundred percent effort and simply train hard, and then show the video on the portal so that we can convince yourself and the clubs of their talents.
Remember that nothing will happen automatically and you need to get every success yourself!
Finally, think about how many of these factors apply to you and change something because otherwise you will only watch players on TV and you will be a loser!