Coach Sir Alex Ferguson, the absolute football legend in his book "To be a leader," said that his principle was that everything he wanted to do on the field during a match had to be trained in training and according to his philosophy there is no other way.
In addition, he noted that in his opinion the biggest determinant of whether a footballer was useful to his team was how hard he worked in training.
Because in his opinion, if a player has talent and additionally gives maximum of his abilities during training and is determined to make progress he has a chance otherwise he should change his profession.
Therefore, in our opinion, you should remember these words and make absolutely every workout to the max!
Currently, in most countries, the epidemic situation is beginning to stabilize and you can go outside to train individually.
The so-called "REBOUNDER" is an extremely popular device among professional players for training to regain the feeling of the ball and technique.
However, we are aware that not everyone has such training equipment and we present exercises using the wall, which are similar to exercises with REBOUNDER and give similar effects.
After completing the training below and adding the recording to the portal, write to us about it in a private message or comment via our Facebook page, and our specialists will verify and provide the necessary comments.
With most of the most hard-working and talented players we are in this way in constant contact, which greatly increases their chance that they will be given the opportunity to promote themselves to European clubs.