Regardless of what your goals related to football are, you have probably heard more than once that you have no chance, you should give up and do something else because you are not suitable!
And you know what?
Such opinions are completely normal!
The most important thing in all this is HOW YOU REACT TO IT!
You can admit they are right and just let go!
You can also listen to them and then simply get down to work and prove to them all who is right!
Simon Kjaer, the captain of the Danish national team, is an example that rejection and opinions that you are not suitable mean nothing if you are ready to fight for your dreams until the end!
This legendary Danish footballer was rejected from the FC Midtjylland academy twice at the age of 15.
He was only accepted because his father was an equipment supplier to the club and agreed to pay for his upkeep.
Once he was accepted, he was so determined that even though the academy trained every day, he found time for additional training, and whenever he met coaches, he asked the coaches for tips on what he should improve even to the point of boredom.
Think about it, if this legendary footballer could be rejected and yet achieved so much, should you give up so quickly?