Soon Inter will play in the Europa League final and easily beat the next rounds after being eliminated from the Champions League.
A great contribution to the success of coach Antonio Conte.
The training methods of this trainer are quite original, because he does not focus at all on making the trainings attractive for players, first of all he wants to be effective and give results and victories.
His trainings are very intense and require a lot of concentration from the players
and commitment to the exercises performed, because this is the job for the players and they receive a lot of money for it.
Some players believe that training should be a fun way to spend time with their teammates, or if they train individually, they should have fun.
Remember, if your goal is to play at the highest professional level, you must remember that if you want to make regular progress, each training session must be a step beyond your comfort zone!
Remember that you only grow and reach the highest level when you overcome the pain and push your body over its limits!
It doesn't matter that physical training is not a pleasure for you, work regularly and do it to the maximum, because only then will you take a step forward!
If you're practicing coordination, do enough repetitions to get out of your comfort zone!
If you practice dribbling and technique, don't stop at a few repetitions.
Ronaldinho, eager to develop his amazing dribbles, in addition to training at the club, he exercised in the garden with his dog as long as he could stand on his feet.
Ronaldinho didn't develop this technique during an exhilarating beach game as most people in the world think.
Therefore, if so far your trainings have not brought such results as you would like, maybe they just did not force you enough to overcome your own weaknesses!
If you are not ready to approach every training in this way, then you should consider whether you really want to be a professional footballer?
Today on the portal we present you in the form of a video a set of 50 technical match skills that will allow you to gain an advantage over your opponent.
Choose a few of those that are right for you and train them to the limit each time so that they will be refined by you to perfection over time!
If you start and want to achieve your goal, never give up!