Many of you do not achieve your dreams, not because they lack something to be able to do it!
The reason is completely different!
This is because you are afraid of other people's reactions!
You're afraid of what your mum will say because she thinks football is just fun!
You're afraid of what bop dad will say, after all, footballers are people from another planet that you can't reach, so you have to focus on normal work!
You're afraid of what your club mate will say because it's impossible for you to become a footballer if you're not even the best at the little club you're at today!
You're just afraid of the reaction of everyone around you!
I will tell you something !
Once you start they won't like it and almost no one will support you!
All you have to do is just ignore them and focus on your work!
At first they will laugh at you because they will not understand your vision and the path in life you have chosen.
Then they will fight you because they will realize that they are wasting their time just doing nothing.
In the end, however, everyone will congratulate you and want to take advantage of your success!
It's just the way it is and you have to accept it while doing your job otherwise you'll give up and never know how high you could get by training every day and doing everything you should regardless of what others think!
Remember that even Cristiano Ronaldo was mocked by his academy colleagues when he said he would become a football legend one day!
What if he believed his friends and let go?
Probably no one would have heard of it!
It can be the same with you if you don't learn to listen to yourself instead of everyone around!