Valentin Barco is a boy from Buenos Aires who the biggest clubs in the world would like to buy!
Valentin, however, will probably choose Brighton as the next step in his development due to coach Roberto De Zerbi and the possibility of development.
You probably think that if you had such a chance to develop as Valentin, your career would also develop.
You're wrong. Valentin comes from such a poor family that when he was at the club and they got sandwiches for second breakfast, he took them home to share with his family.
He used used football boots that he somehow managed to get.
However, the young Argentine did not give up.
Due to the fact that he had nothing but football, he constantly trained and had fun with it.
The fact that he had no money for computer games allowed him to derive his greatest and only joy from football!
Despite poverty, Valentin never complained and was always positive and smiling!
Everyone who knows Valentin says that it is this positive attitude, smile and fun that allowed him to develop and stand out from thousands of footballers.
And that's what I would like to tell you with this article!
No matter how hard your life is!
If you love football, give it your all every day, but above all, find joy and fun in it!