Due to quarantine, we are forced to stay at home and outside of individual training you probably spend a lot of time watching matches.
In our opinion, it is also a form that can help you in football development.
Watching matches, you should watch the best players in the world in your position and learn their playing behavior.
You should pay attention to how this player sets up on the pitch, how he behaves when his team has the ball, how I behave when the ball is gone, how I react when I lose the ball, how he reads the game and predict opponents' behavior as I go into position when I decide to attack by pressing when you stay on your half.
If you do not play in a club that is trustworthy enough to learn from more experienced players, it is ideal to model yourself on the players watched on TV, and then apply these behaviors in matches.
Atletico Madrid footballer Thomas Partey said his role model is Spaniard Gabi.
Despite the fact that he often watched Gabi during training sessions and matches live at home, he turned on old matches and watched several times, focusing only on his idol. He was looking for details that he could use in his game.
If you don't do it yet, I highly recommend watching matches this way.
What's more, you can train the elements of the game that you saw at your idol and put recordings on the portal, writing in the title of who you are trying to imitate.
Finally, we put a video with a sample of the skills of the most talented young players in the world and I hope that in the future FootballTalentsTube.com will discover a player who will make a career at the same level.
Finally, write in the commentary which player you admire the most and model yourself after him?