We have proved to you many times on the basis of examples that in football if you work hard and consistently improve your skills, everything is possible.
However, from talking to many, sometimes very talented players, you can see that very often the key task for a footballer at the beginning of his career that prompts many of you to quit is dealing with rejection.
How do you react when you did not get to the team during the tests or the club did not want to extend the contract with you?
How do you react when, despite the fact that you train more than others, you are still on the bench?
How do you react when you try to promote yourself at FTT, you added some of your matches and training videos and still no one has contacted you?
In most of these cases, you give up.
You stop training and dont participate next tests, start blaming the trainer, stop training individually and not add videos to the portal.
This is the reason why you will not be successful.
In case of such rejection, you should immediately ask the trainers, someone who organizes the tests or someone from the portal what skills you lacked and what needs to be improved.
Then analyze this information, ask someone for help and train a lot more and better than before to be successful next time and take a step forward!
The best left-back in the world Liverpool player Andy Robertson was kicked out of Celtic 6 years ago and the only club that gave him a chance at that time was Queen's Park from the 4th Scottish league.
Andy then didn't quit but asked the Celtic coach what he had to do to be good enough tor the club like Celtic.
The coach willingly gave him tips and Andy, playing in the 4th league, worked very hard in the club and individually to correct all weaknesses.
And so, step by step, when he was promoted to better and better teams, he always talked to the coaches asking what they required of him and what he could improve.
It's been 6 years since nobody wanted to hire him and Andy is now a Liverpool player and the best left-back in the world.
Therefore, if you want to be successful, make every rejection a chance for you to improve your skills, not a reason to quit!
Remember, however, that in order for this article to really help you in any way, after reading it, go to training, record it and add the video to your profile on the portal!
Make this behavior a new habit for you and a reason for individual training every day.
If you need help in choosing a training session or in order for someone to thoroughly evaluate your video and skills that you added to the portal, write to us a private message on Facebook.
We help you!