Were the last season, the last match, the last training successful for you and 100% as you planned?
If the answer is no, stop and think!
How did you look at this failure?
Was it a tragedy for you and a reason to give up?
What if it turned out that this failure was a gift for you?!
Marcelo Bielsa, one of the greatest coaches in my opinion, said this about the defeat
"The moments in which I made the greatest progress in life were associated with failure. The moments in which I regressed the most were associated with success. Winning distorts, weakens, deceives. It leads to excessive love for oneself. Failure is the opposite. It shapes us, makes you solid, consistent. You can win or lose in every field, but what is important is the nobility of the means used, what is important is the journey, the dignity with which you walk this path in search of your goal" - M. Bielsa (quote from the text of 2AngryMen: Święcicki & Kapica)
Have you ever looked at failure this way?
What if Bielsa is right and they are a stepping stone to success that will shape you and make you better?
Try to follow the tips of this outstanding trainer and start developing instead of giving up!
If you lost, think about what you could have done better and train!
You failed, change something!
Build on failure the desire to be even better!
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