Building a career is a long-term process in which absolutely no one is guaranteed to succeed.
It is this uncertainty and lack of guarantee of success that causes really talented players to give up, but just like failure, success can come when you least expect it.
What if you train hard for a few years and then give up due to lack of results and your opportunity meets you when you are unprepared?
Another example that it is worth having dreams and fighting for them to the very end is ANDRIES Noppert.
This is a goalkeeper who two years ago was without a club every six months and since he is 28 years old, his family persuaded him to give up football and do something else
He studied football at Sv Heerenveen, however, after turning junior age, he was there for only one year and was left without a contract.
After that, he played mainly for second-league clubs in the Netherlands with a short break for a cameo in Italy.
Usually in these clubs he was only a reserve so even his family did not believe that he could build a good career, especially since he changed clubs practically every six months.
However, in 2021, everything changed.
One of the weakest clubs in the top league of the Netherlands Go Ahead Eagles was looking for a backup goalkeeper and they decided to engage Noppert.
It turned out that Andries won a place in the starting lineup and defended absolutely phenomenally.
So phenomenal that the coach of the national team of the Netherlands decided to put him in the team for the World Cup.
Noppert after a very good match with senegal is now one of the foundations of the team!
Most see this story and say that in a year he has made such tremendous progress. Well, not this goalkeeper worked hard 20 years for this moment.
He believed when others had doubts and he didn't give up when most suggested it.
If he gave up, he would probably only watch the World Cup on TV.
Before you give up, think about how much you can lose because the best may be yet to come.
When you're watching the Netherlands vs Argentina game soon, look at Noppert and think about it all.
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