Hello you start by saying FootballTalentsTube.com something about yourself?
What are your football experiences?
How long have you been an agent and scout?
In which markets and with which players do you cooperate?
I work as a professional scout for 3 years, up to 2 years ago 1 year in Bologna FC 1909 and 2 ACF FIORENTINA. Earlier and now I worked and I'm a scout for the Fifa agency in Italy. I am not an agent. I prefer working in Scandinavia and northern Europe. But for 2 years I have good contact in Poland, Romania and the Balkan country.
The agency I work for is Vigo Global Sport Services.
OK What is the key to finding players for you?
- Mental features?
- Soccer skills?
- physical predisposition?
It s a combined factor. I create a model with Over 30 indicators and 5 macro area. Phisically, Tecnical, Tactical, Mental, Behavioral
When searching for players, most of these players often have a very similar level. Sometimes even scout will choose a player who is less effective and weaker at the moment but in the future it turns out that scout was right.
What then is paid attention to?
First impression is extremely soggettive and is very hard made a process scientific in a “ fall in love “with a player. Often is istinct. But istinct often is consequences of experience. So I suggest to make so many reports to grown a good feels and good perception.
According to our interlocutor, it is extremely important to have extensive experience as a scout and see many players to have a reference point and not make a mistake.
That is why FTT expects many recordings in various forms from you, so as not to be mistaken when choosing a player.
As a portal, we are looking for talented players. We verify players' skills based on video in various forms, from match recordings, daily training to football challenges and tests, when the portal is interested in a player, we watch him live, and then we present and offer the best and most conscientious to teams or agencies managerial with whom we cooperate. At Scout's job, do you use video in addition to live viewing to select the players you want to work with? To what extent do you think the video can reflect the real skills and talent of the player?
As you probably know, many players reached the teams after video observations.
I m above all a "Tech scout". I always used video and platform. I think is better way to go fast and have the first decision. Information are the most important resource and with video and platform we could have so many information fast and in high number. For the complete decision the video scout had to mix with the live scouts and make a synthesis with directors.
Is more easy open My Pc and watch a player in Oslo than take a fly reserve an hotel and stay a month in Norway. And the easy, smart and low cost infos is the secret of good scouting in my opinion.
As you know probably many players who are at a very high level today and were discovered quite late.
What age is the limit that an amateur player has the chance to be still professional?
Were you able to discover the player late and still made a career?
If so, who?
Ther isn’t a limit. I think with a good ambient a player could show his shadows skills. Yes Jakob Johansson From GOETEBORG to AEK Athen. I suggest that player and made that scout you an Italian agent. After that Jakob wins several Cup. Went to First National Team and despite a strong injury won cup of France with Rennes a short time ago .
What would you advise players who dream of a great career but are still far away from it at the moment?
Very difficult to answer. In general I could say is very important the faith in the work. Faith in our skill. Without faith and a good attitude it impossible reach anything.
If we find a talented player through the portal, do you think we can contact you to help him?
Yes for sure.
Do Italian clubs give a chance to less known players?
Do you think that the time after the epidemic will be a new opportunity for such less known players?
yes i m very optimist After the crisis we have alway new opportunity. And the history of Italy is a history of people with creativity despite the lack in resources. So for sure in the football the less know player with low cost and salary will have more opportunity.
If you read the whole conversation, you could certainly learn a lot from such a special man as Fabrizio.
If you dream of a great career, all you have to do is work hard every day and promote your skills, and if you don't give up, your chance will come !!