In today's football, if you dream about reaching a professional level, you cannot focus only on training in the club.
The clubs are ready to pay the players big money, but in return they expect that the player who comes to the club and receives a professional contract will be almost immediately ready to play key roles in this club.
The only way to be prepared for these requirements and to stand out from the thousands of players who also want to achieve this success is to constantly improve your skills through individual training.
On the basis of what elements are currently trained by the best footballers in the world, employees of the FTT portal have prepared a list of 6 elements that, from now on, should become components of each individual training.
If you focus on these elements and be patient, I am sure that your skills will rise to the level you never dreamed of!
Considering the current football trends, namely the intensity and pace of the game, athletic preparation at the highest level and how many matches currently played in the season by players who are professional footballers, if you want to join them definitely start working on this aspect.
The use of high pressure is an increasingly popular field in football tactics. As a result, sometimes the player does not even have time to think after receiving the ball.
His ball control must be absolutely perfect, and any mistake may result in a loss of goal. Usually it happens that several mistakes due to lack of control over the ball can lose place in the team, and then his career may end.
Therefore, work from today every day to ensure the best control of the ball under pressure.
Due to the unbelievably equal level of professional football, players who are unconventional dribbles are most sought after and speed can give the team an advantage.
Therefore, no matter what position you play, if you are able to get an advantage in 1 on 1 matches, your chance will absolutely increase.
This aspect now turns out to be largely crucial and decisive, because in this context not only hard work matters than others, but also because footballers are currently under a lot of pressure and if you are a "good player, but you can not show it during the most important matches or test chances, usually such a player is a loser and will never achieve what he could.
There are currently a lot of specialists who help in this matter.
However, if you can't afford such help, we recommend books.
As well as FTT helps in this aspect.
It is usually the case that talent hunters looking for players pay attention generally to the two areas of the greatest advantages of a player but also in what he is the weakest.
I will explain this with specific examples:
No one at the highest level will decide on a player who is technically amazing but very poor in physical preparation.
Nobody will give a chance to a player who is great when it comes to purely football preparation but does not understand the tactics and their tasks on the pitch.
When it comes to the biggest assets, remember that you must always want to be even better and never stop.
Only in this way can you reach the top.
You are probably wondering how you can individually improve your tactical skills.
There is a way that is definitely underestimated.
You should watch matches at the highest world level at any time and watch the tactical behavior of the best players in the world and then immediately introduce them to your game.
The effects will not come immediately, however, if you are consistent you will succeed and make progress.
As for the first three elements, we will include examples of training that you can apply in training today.
However, so that we can help you improve elements such as:
- Mentality
- Your strengths and weaknesses in football skills.
- Tactics
We need to see your video from matches and training on the portal and only then, through individual consultations, we will be able to help you choose the right training, so add a video of your matches, training sessions to the portal and we will help you develop and when our scouts decide that Your skills are already high enough for a chance at professional football, you will get offers from management agencies and clubs that will be interested to give you a chance.
If the article helped you to some extent in individual training, like the article, share it and in the comment, be sure to write which of the points you will include in your training first!