Most trainers and talent seekers who are looking for players pay attention to details that seem irrelevant later, turn out to be crucial and determine the player's future in the context of a professional career!
There is a lot of talk about football technique, speed of decision making, physical preparation, tactical wisdom.
Few mention, however, that the key element to look out for is ball control and First Touch.
Considering the direction in which football is moving, that the pace of the game is getting faster and the level of physical preparation is getting better and better emphasis is placed on absolutely perfect First Tauch and Ball controll, we decided to present you the second part of the article on this topic.
A great example of how important this element is, Real Madrid star Toni Kross, who, thanks to the excellence of these elements, has made an incredible difference, working out the advantage for their teams!
This amazing middle midfielder can, thanks to the incredible refinement of these elements, not only practically never gets mistaken in this theoretically easy element at this level, but already at this stage of the development of the action provides an advantage to his team.
Do you think you can do that too?
Definitely, but you need to develop automatism in these movements after many hours of training.
That is why today we present you with another set of exercises to improve this element!
Remember that if your goal is to play at a really high level, you must start training now!