Regardless of how great your talent is, how much you have motivativation to succeed and how hard you work every day, it is certain that the day will come when you will have to face a crisis in your career.
The days will come when:
- you will be a reserve and you will not get a chance to play.
- you will make mistakes and everyone will blame you.
- your team will be losing and you will be helpless.
- suddenly you will stop scoring goals, making assists, you will lose duels
No matter how hard you work, these moments will come and your job will be to deal with it because if you don't, your career will be wasted !!
A perfect example of the fact that a crisis can happen to even the greatest talents is Antony, a Brazilian winger who has great skills and talent, and yet after transferring for over a hundred million to Manchester United gives absolutely nothing to this team!
Does this mean he is a bad football player?
That's absolutely not what he's saying, it's just that a crisis is normal and can happen to anyone!
So how to deal with crisis moments?
We have 4 tips for you!
Remember that regardless of what is happening in the team, each coach wants to win.
Therefore, if you are a substitute, the club rejected you and did not offer you a contract, you stopped being effective, first analyze your problem yourself and then ask the coach, scout or other expert what you need to change to become the main player, what you are missing and what you need to improve and then not wait but get to work.
If you have already analyzed what you are missing, it is time to check if your training is effective.
Sometimes training that was effective at the beginning ceases to be effective at some point.
Talk to the trainers, think, consult with someone outside and change methods if necessary.
Find a suitable method of concentration and focus on the match, and also do your best to keep your attitude positive.
Try meditation, yoga, sleep or any other techniques that can help you find mental balance and harmony.
We will not give you specific information on how to solve this problem at this point because every person is different.
You have to find out for yourself what will work for you.
As you probably know, there are details that really separate success from failure in professional sports are really small.
Sometimes it is enough to just change a few eating habits, take care of the right amount of sleep or in your free time, take care of rest.
Regardless of which of these points can help you, it is important that you carefully analyze everything in a crisis moment and take action.
There is also something you absolutely cannot do in times of crisis:
Never blame other people and do not seek excuse and complain.
Focus on yourself, take responsibility and just overcome the crisis!
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