Any young boy who loves football, when asked if he is willing to sacrifice a lot for his career, says yes.
But is it really so?
Daily training will make you run out of time for friends, are you ready for it?
The constant search for a chance for career development will mean that you will have to go to the other end of the world, are you ready for it?
The need to maintain a sporty lifestyle will often exclude you from parties with friends and often deprive you of many opportunities to meet girls.
Are you ready for it?
You will lose a lot of friends because of your constant focus on football and you will have very few friends left, are you ready for that?
Recently, in one of the interviews, Wojciech Szczęsny, the Juventus goalkeeper, said that when he left for Arsenal's academy at the age of 16, he had to leave his whole life in Poland.
He left a family of friends, school absolutely everything.
And as he says, it was a huge risk!
The goalkeeper recalls that the first two years were incredibly difficult due to being alone in London and missing his family!
More than once he cried at night and thought of giving up!
This is very difficult!
Think it over, because if you are not ready for such a sacrifice, you will only waste your time!