At the age of eleven he was invited to train in the Fluminense youth team.
The family couldn't afford to bring their son to the club every day, two hours by car, so he had to live in a boarding school.
The boy trained very hard, despite the longing for family and friends who lived very far.
That he could somehow cope with his longing, his grandfather brought him home for one day every weekend so that he could be with loved ones.
In addition, grandpa sacrificed all the money he had for his grandson so that he could develop as a footballer at the Fluminense academy.
When the boy saw how his friends could enjoy the charms of life and have fun, and he had to go back to the club and train hard, he felt like a slave to football.
The boy repeatedly thought about resignation, but the grandfather saw more than the young man and in every difficult moment said that the boy would not give up and stick to the previously chosen goal, because he is sure that one day he will see a grandson playing maracana, which is filled to the last places!
As it turned out later grandfather was right believing in his grandson!
Hard work and persistence in achieving the goal paid off.
Grandpa saw his grandson playing in the brazil national team!
The main character in history is Marcelo, the star of Real Madrid who just started this way!
Remember that everyone has worse times on the road to success!
Sometimes the biggest gift we can receive at that time is the support and good words of our loved ones!