Many of you asked to share the article in which we gave the topic of supplementation with natural beets.
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An article on this topic was published on September 23, if someone has since started using our suggestions and has included beetroot in his diet, write in the comment. Do you experience any positive effects?
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"Many of the portal users contact us because I train hard to become a professional, but due to the longer period of intensive training, the body simply cannot withstand the loads and you ask us what to do.
We understand the situation that not everyone can afford expensive dietary supplements to strengthen the body and we have advice on how to replace them at a cheap cost.
There is a vegetable that can greatly strengthen your body and increase your training capacity!
Beet juice is a rich source of nitrates. Drinking 500 ml of beetroot juice increases the level of nitrates in the body by up to 400%.
In addition to beets, they are also found in vegetables such as: spinach, celery, cabbage, leek, and broccoli. On the market, nitrates are also available in the form of tablets, and more specifically sodium nitrate supplements.
In the body, nitrate turns into nitric oxide (NO). It is a chemical compound that performs many functions in the human body, e.g .:
● lowers blood pressure,
● increases local blood flow,
● affects immunity,
● dilates blood vessels.
1. Better endurance - nitric oxide causes the expansion of blood vessels, which means that more oxygen and nutrients will reach the muscles, which will allow you to continue exercising for a longer time,
2. Less fatigue - lowering the oxygen cost makes the body less tired with the same effort,
3. Increase the economy of exercise - the body uses less energy, so it can stay active faster and longer.
You can get nitrates into your body by eating a diet that includes vegetables that contain them.
Those are:
● beetroot - 150 mg / 100g (150 mg of nitrates per 100 g of beet),
● spinach - 210 mg / 100g,
● lamb's lettuce - 250 mg / 100g,
● arugula - 440 mg / 100g,
● dill - 300 mg / 100g.
Most of the studies were conducted on a dose of 300 mg of nitrate. This amount can be found in: 500 ml of beetroot juice, 170 ml of concentrated beetroot juice or 200 g of boiled beetroot. This is an average dose that can be safely taken every day, but on days with a higher degree of activity, even 2-3 times higher doses can be targeted.
There are two ways of using it:
1. Everyday
2. On days of high activity
Which is better? Both are good, but I think using vegetables in your daily diet will give you better results as the right levels will be maintained all the time.
However, when it comes to use only during the match period, I would recommend starting the dose 1-2 days before the match and the last dose no more than 2-3 hours before the match starts.
The highest level of nitrate concentration occurs approximately 2 hours after ingestion, and after 24 hours their level drops to the initial value.
Beets and other vegetables that contain nitrates may and even should be used and I encourage you to eat them. Firstly, they contain valuable elements in the form of vitamins and minerals, and secondly - they can actually improve the body's efficiency. I think it's worth testing on yourself, we don't lose anything and we can gain a lot!
Remember that if your goal is to be really successful, you shouldn't overlook any aspect.
Consistent training every day, Maximum commitment in each match, Promoting your skills around the world through video, Maximizing the body's capabilities through diet and supplementation.
Consider each of these aspects and work towards them patiently, and success will come!"