No matter how good a player you are, you will face a form crisis when nothing goes your way!
Currently, the perfect example of this is Robert Lewandowski who, after returning from the World Cup, plays simply dramatically!
He doesn't score goals, but he also shows a lot of technical errors that have not been there before.
Has Lewandowski suddenly lost the ability to play football?
Did he suddenly forget how to score goals?
Definitely not!
Although some people believe that it is because of age or other factors apart from sports, in my opinion this issue is related to something else, namely the psyche
The not-so-successful World Cup, great criticism from the players, and a difficult return to the club.
Lewandowski lost the automatism he had in moving on the pitch and with each failed play he lost confidence.
After a few unsuccessful matches, the lack of confidence turned to frustration and the machine was out of adjustment!
Anyone who has ever played football knows what I am talking about and has gone through such crises.
How to react?
The most important thing is to clear the mind and not dwell on mistakes!
Clear your mind!
Apply meditation, rest, spend time with your family, train those elements that fail.
And the most important element in my opinion, start building your self-confidence again!
Focus and appreciate good plays, use positive internal dialogue, visualize successful plays AND DON'T try to change everything that has worked so far!
Do not try to eliminate the crisis with one training, work step by step!