All players who contact us and use the platform want to be successful but they will not do it until they understand one basic thing!
SUCCESS is a process that has no end and lasts a lifetime.
Scott Adam said:
Every new skill you acquire doubles your chance of success.
Here is the answer to all questions, how can I make a career.
You just have to get as many soccer skills as possible and try to improve them as much as possible.
Bring to absolute perfection.
If you want to be remembered and special, you must focus completely and put effort!
When you understand this, you will take control of your life and enter the path of success!
Introduce discipline and work every day, the fact will not be easy but this is the magic secret.
If you want to be more than just the average player you have to do a lot more and a lot smarter than they do.
Believe that this is the best news you can get because it really doesn't matter where you are today, where you come from and whether you are rich or poor, it only matters what your goal is and are you ready to work hard to achieve it!
Remember that if you regularly acquire new skills and every day you are a better player who can be a value for the team, scouts will never be able to ignore you!
That's why several times a week we present individual exercises and trainings that if you use will allow you to be better every day!
Never give up and be better every day, and I assure you that they will stop ignoring you and you will also get a chance!