Despite the difficulties prevailing in the world, our portal does not stop and strives for continuous development to provide you with as many opportunities as possible to develop your career.
Quite recently, we managed to establish a cooperation with the very respected Portuguese football agent and intermediary, Mr. Hélio Vazão, thanks to which many new transfer opportunities open up for players registered on the portal!
Hélio has agreed to answer a few questions that will help you get to know him and understand how many opportunities working with him can give you as well as help you choose the right direction for your development.
1) Hello, could you start by saying FootballTalentsTube.com something about yourself? What are your football experiences? How long have you been an agent? What is your agency name? In which markets and with which players do you cooperate?
My name is Hélio Vazão, I have 37 years old, I am from Portugal and I am Economist.
I am FIFA agent since 2014 however from the beggining I choosed to work only as intermediary and not as typical agent of players. I work for clubs and make partnerships with the agents of the players.
My main markets are Portugal, Arabe Golf Countries and China but I have partnerships all around the world.
2) As a portal, we are looking for talented players who verify their skills based on video in various forms, from recordings of matches, daily trainings to challenges and tests in football, when the portal is interested in a player, we watch him live, and then bet on the best and most diligent in teams or managerial agencies cooperating with the portal. Does your agency use video in addition to watching live to select players to collaborate with? To what extent can the video reflect the real skills and talent of the player?
Usually I don't watch the videos from players because the players only choose the best moments and hide the worst moments however the platform FootballTalentsTube.com have a new vision of the power of the videos in the career of the players and the analysis of the Expert Team of the platform make me very comfortable to choose players by this way.
3) Tell us what you consider your greatest success as an agent? Which player was your biggest discovery and what caught your attention the most in this player?
My great success is to have lots of great partnerships that allows me to gave the best option for the all the clubs that are my clients.
4) What do you think, given your experience, what age does the player still have a career chance when he receives the support of the right agent who will lead his career?
More important than the age is the players understand that the most important to have a professional career is to have a professional contract. If you are amateur player in 3rd division in Portugal you are amateur player but if you have a professional contract in Mozambique you are professional player. Even if the 1st level in Mozambique have lower quality than 3rd division in Portugal. So if one player wants to be a professional player and it is very difficult to be professional in his country he should search opportunity in other country, even of the quality are lower.
5) What do you usually pay attention to when observing players, what aspects distinguish those players that are worth investing in from those who are a waste of time?
I usually do not have to observe players. I leave that work to clubs and my partners agents. But what I like more in a player when I am watching games are the capacity of thinking more quickly than the other players.
6) What advice would you give players who are currently far from professional football due to a lack of opportunities, what do you think they should do?
The advice that I always gave to players to be professional is to choose a country where is more easy to have a professional contract. If the level is lower you will have more opportunities to get a good contract. So, don't be affraid to risk to go to other countries and make your own career. You don't have to play only in 4 or 5 countries to have a good career. You can be a good professional player all over the world.
7) Our portal has been operating for less than a year, but we already cooperate with many agencies, scouting companies and teams in European leagues.
Is your agency ready to support players from the portal after player verification?
For sure. They have to be ready to take a risk.
If your goal is to play at a professional level, you need to give yourself a shot and show the world what you can do!
Have you added your soccer videos to the portal?