If you want a chance to stand out and appear in the world of football, but you have no chance to develop in a good club at the beginning, you have to start doing something more.
We believe that if at the moment you cannot acquire sufficient skills in the place where you are, you cannot waste time and wait, you must start working individually and develop yourself!
You have to create in your mind a constant hunger for development and learning new skills by training individually if you do not have the chance in your current club.
By acting patiently and developing step by step, you will be able to make tremendous progress over time.
The proof of this thesis is the example of players who started individual training during a pandemic when the games were interrupted.
Today they say that this time was a gift for them because they could focus on their development by focusing on themselves and not on the team.
The most spectacular example of the amazing effects of individual training during a pandemic is Bayern footballer Leon Goretzka, who, thanks to individual training, developed muscle mass, which until now was not his forte.
Today we have a set of 25 skills for you that you will be able to successfully use in a match to improve your winning duels statistics and have a much greater impact on the team game.