The sensational information about the World Cup victory of Saudi Arabia over Argentina has already spread around the world.
This event can be an inspiration not only for teams that are doomed to fail, but also for footballers who fight for their dreams.
Before the World Cup, most people thought that Argentina would easily beat Arabia.
Everyone thought that Arabia had no chance against a team composed not only of Leo Messi but also of many other world football stars.
The Arabs knew that if they wanted to win, they had to invest all their skills and talent in this match, but they absolutely did not agree with the opinion that they had no chance!
They believed in themselves and worked hard.
They decided to end the league games early to have more time for training camp.
The opinion of others was not important to them because all that mattered was that they were absolutely convinced that they could be incredibly successful.
Daily consistent training gave them an effect today in the form of a victory against Argentina.
Today, the whole world will talk about them and appreciate their work.
Earlier, however, if someone had said before the match that they would win against Argentina, it would probably have been treated as fantasy.
Yet it is possible!
Talking about the match of arabia
I just want to tell you that if you have dreams of being a professional footballer one day and be successful, it doesn't matter where you were born, whether someone believes in you, whether you have the support of other people.
All that matters is if you believe in yourself and work hard every day and if you are willing to keep looking for your chance even though everyone is rejecting you right now!
Look how it looks in the context of Arabia.
Nobody said about them that they can leave the group where there is Poland, Argentina and Mexico.
And today ?
Everyone will respect her.
If you don't give up and do the job and then prove it all on the pitch and be of great value to the teams then soon those who don't believe in you will become your big fans.
Few people will be able to do their daily work without a guarantee of success, but many of those who persevere will get their reward!
Image source Instagram Fifa