The main reason why so many of you do not reach the professional level is not because you lack talent or lack the opportunity to develop and show yourself to the world!

Your biggest problem is what you focus on.

I am explaining to you what's going on!

A while ago you made the decision to sacrifice everything and not give up until you become a professional footballer!

I don't know why it happened.
Maybe you read an article on our website that gave you motivation, maybe you watched a match or some motivational material, or you just believed it after one of the matches or training sessions.

You have made a decision that from today you train every day, take care of your diet, sports lifestyle and start looking for opportunities to promote yourself.

After a few weeks or even faster, all your enthusiasm disappeared because you started asking yourself seemingly logical questions.

What if I'm not talented enough?
 What if no one pays attention to me?
What if I get injured in a month?
 What if football is not my calling?
There were hundreds of such questions!

You started to wonder what your training should look like tomorrow, you thought about what it will be in a year in two in five years.
There were a lot of doubts.

You trained but your thoughts were in a completely different place.
As a result, your training sessions were getting worse and you stopped enjoying football anymore!
The joy of training is gone, the joy of the game is gone, you have stopped noticing your development.
You thought your fears were right because nothing is going right.
You thought that everyone who criticized and mocked you was right.
All your confidence and enthusiasm are gone!
You've even stopped playing with your friends because you're not enjoying yourself!

Do you have any idea what was the reason for this?
Yes, if you want to be successful, you need to have a long-term goal written somewhere on a piece of paper, but the only thing you should focus on is the next training session and the next match!

This should be the most important thing for you!
You should start enjoying every play in training or match again!
You should enjoy this process just like when you were going out to play with your friends in the yard!
Do you remember
 Back then, when you were playing, nothing else mattered, there was no future, no past, only HERE AND NOW!

Only this day-to-day approach and full commitment can give you development.
In addition, thanks to this, you will enjoy the whole process instead of thinking about what may go wrong and what you are missing today!

And if you commit yourself and put your full effort into each day of the process, you must succeed because you will achieve a skill level that no one can ignore!

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