Most leagues in the world are currently getting closer to end the 2019/2020 season, despite the fact that it has not been without difficulties.
A very interesting transfer period will begin soon, in which many of you will change your teams.
Therefore, we have some tips for you that are not necessarily directly related to football that will help you make your start in the new team the best.
1) Learn the language
It is obvious that nowadays, regardless of the league, the main language in football is English.
However, it is worth working on it to be at the highest possible level so that communication problems do not arise.
Pondto, you should learn at the beginning of a dozen or so phrases most needed by a player in a language that is official in a given country.
It will definitely facilitate communication as well as people in the club will feel respected.
2) Ask for details
what are the club's expectations of you.
It is very important to ask both the coach and the club president exactly what their expectations regarding tactics and tasks outside the pitch are.
Therefore, let you know the coach's plan and the club's goals in the long and short term.
3) Learn the basics about the club's history and the customs of the country.
Each country has different customs and what is considered a courtesy gesture in one country can be an incredible lack of respect in another.
It is worth knowing enough about the basics of behavior in the country so that at the beginning you don't commit a blunder.
Each club has gestures, age-old rivals and the most important matches of the season.
It's worth knowing about them at the beginning, so as not to expose yourself and offend the fans and the community of the new team and be able to concentrate one hundred percent on football.
4) Learn the tactics, team play model and trainer work method.
Each team and trainer have their tactical preferences and the way they work with the team.
It is worth to learn about as much as possible before the transfer so that your start in the team goes as well as possible and to fit into the team as soon as possible so that you are an added value because this is the goal of each transfer.
5) Check and analyze the contract and the transfer contract many times before you sign anything.
Football today is a multi-billion dollar company and has many dealers.
They are not always honest and sometimes even the profit exceeds the good of the club and the player.
Therefore, before you sign it, check it repeatedly so that it does not turn out that instead of development there is a waste of time and unnecessary stress.