If you want to stand out from the team and get noticed by the scouts, you should take responsibility for the team you are currently playing for and become its leader not only on the pitch but also outside of it!
If you manage to achieve this and thanks to this you will be able to influence the team to get the maximum of its potential, there is a chance that this aspect in the scout analysis will determine that you will receive offers from much better teams than the one you play for today.
We have 5 tips for you to help you become a team leader!
The key element in building a team leader position is your self-confidence and confidence in your own skills.
If you take the burden of the game on yourself in difficult moments and are absolutely convinced that you will succeed, and your good play will lead the team to success, this is the first step to being a team leader.
Of course, do not forget that self-confidence must also be followed by high football skills, because without them, such an attitude can only make you laugh.
Being a leader isn't just about shouting and giving orders.
Being a leader is a service that aims to extract as many positive assets as possible from the team and lead it to success.
For this purpose, good communication with both the coach and the rest of the team is essential.
You need to be able to communicate your expectations of the rest of the team, inspiring them enough to listen to you and apply your advice on the pitch.
In addition, you need to listen to other players and the coach and take their opinion into account.
As a leader, you need to be respected by the rest of the team, but most of all, you need to be able to respect everyone around you.
You just have to earn your respect with your attitude both on and off the pitch.
What counts in building respect is how you treat people, how you react in difficult moments, how involved you are in training, playing etc.
Passion and charisma are qualities that simply cannot be learned.
It is a state of mind in which you always approach your tasks 100%, you are almost a prefectionist and at the same time you can inspire others with your attitude!
If you want to build your passion and charisma, start by being grateful for the fact that you can be a footballer and start happily doing each training as well as always be involved and demand perfection from yourself!
If you want your team to work harder and train more, set an example and be the first to start individual training.
If you want the band to never give up and always play to the end, first you start doing it and the rest will take an example.
Remember that not everyone can be a leader.
However, if you feel that this is your destiny, follow these 5 tips and they will definitely help you achieve it!
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