One of the most interesting and unique transfer window in the history of football begins.
Due to the epidemic, which I hope we already have behind us, the transfer window will be extended until October and clubs are forced to reduce their spending on transfers and give lesser-known players a chance.
Even though many will get the chance to test at clubs, only a minority will sign professional contracts.
Remember that if you do not manage to get to your dream team now, it is not a tragedy but the motivation to work even harder and more effective!
Marcelo Bielsa amazing coach from argentina said:
"The moments when I made the greatest progress in my life were when I failed. The moments when I fell back the most were related to success. Winning distorts, weakens, deceives. It leads to falling in love with yourself. Failure the opposite. It shapes us, makes us solid and consistent.
In every field you can win or lose, but the nobility of the means is important, the journey is important, the dignity with which you walk this path in search of your goal. "
Bielsa has recently been promoted to the Premier League after 16 years with the Leeds united team.
Before this great success, he had failed for 16 years and was learning all the time!
If your goal is success, keep trying, train hard every day, learn, and success will come sooner or later!
To help you train, today on the portal we present a set of exercises that will help you improve your ball control!
Remember, however, that the opportunity will not come by itself and you have to attract them with your action!
Record as many videos as possible with your training, matches and soccer tests to show your skills to the world and talent!
Every minute of training brings you closer to making your dream come true, and every moment you complain brings you closer to failure!