If you are currently going through a difficult period in your life or career, you should stop and understand something!
You need everything that happens in your life!
Do you think that you were born in a poor family and that is something that does not allow you to fulfill your football dreams?
Or maybe it's the other way around and the fact that your family is poor is supposed to be a motivation for you to work harder in training and never give up?
Were you rejected after testing?
Do you think this is the end of your dreams?
Or maybe this rejection is supposed to give you time to focus on improving your skills so that you can soon join the club of your dreams?
You lost a big match and you think that means you are too weak?
Or maybe this failure is supposed to teach you that in the future, despite failures, you have to keep trying and take responsibility even though sometimes you will fail?
The coach constantly comments on you and criticizes your play?
Do you think he just doesn't like you?
Or maybe it's the other way around?
Maybe I see talent in you and these comments are meant to encourage you to work harder?
Remember, before you complain about something and blame others, think about whether what is happening in your life now is not to prepare you for something great that will come in the future!
If we managed to increase your motivation and start looking at your situation differently, leave a like, share this article and write in a comment how we can help you further!