What do you think are the differences between outstanding players and the average?
What is the difference between professionals and amateurs?
Do you think it's all about talent?
You are wrong because talent is only a small part of success.
There are two main differences!
- Mindset
You must have a goal to do it at the highest level and devote one hundred percent to it.
You must desire it as much as breathing!
The matter is simple if you do nothing more than club training, do not expect results that will lead you to the top!
There is no player who would be successful without individual work!
Do you think Cristiano Ronaldo has developed his outstanding physical form, dribbling and technique only at club training?
Absolutely not ! He spent tens of thousands of hours on individual training!
So be like Ronaldo, work hard every day with FootballTalentsTube.com!
Today we will improve ball control!
Watch the material, get ready for training and get to work!
Record training and upload to the portal!
If you don't have an account, create today and PROMOTE. DEVELOP AND PLAY with FootballTalentsTube.com!