Millions of young people dream of being able to live like the best footballers in the world every day.
Play in front of thousands of fans, earn a lot of money and enjoy your life, because all you need to do is "play football well"
However, when they try to achieve it themselves, it turns out that it is not that simple for many reasons.
Suddenly, they are not ready to train for several hours each day with no guarantee of success.
They are not ready to overcome the difficulties of living far away from their family when they have to play practically for free at first.
They are not ready to overcome the difficulties of living far away from their family when they have to play practically for free at first.
They cannot cope with the pressure that is placed on them during the game.
After some time, it turns out that it is not that simple and only the most persistent, hard-working and stress-resistant players achieve their goal!
Everyone sees the success of the brilliant central midfielder Jorginho in recent years, who won the Champions League with Chelsea and the European Championship with the Italian national team!
It seems to everyone that Jorginho achieved these successes within a year.
Well no!
Jorginho worked 15 years for this success and along the way he had to struggle with things that you have no idea about!
At the age of 14, as a kid with a head full of dreams, he moved to the academy in Busque which was famous for sending young footballers to Italy. He thought that when he concentrated on training, everything would be easy.
It turned out that Jorginho at the Busque academy is a place where young players have to train by eating only two meals a day of poor quality that repeated themselves all the time.
When his mother visited him and saw the conditions in which he was living, she wanted to take him home, but Jorginho said that he still had to survive it and would not give up due to a dirty bathroom and bad food.
After a year, the 15-year-old Barazilian got a chance to join the youth team from Verona, which played in the 3rd league.
Later it turned out that in Italy, in terms of conditions, it is only a little better because the footballer had to live in the monastery room for the first two years, and when it comes to meals, it also happened that he was starving because he only earned 20 euros a week.
Despite such difficult living conditions, homesickness and many other problems, he was able to focus on training and work very hard.
In order to spend as little time as possible in the dark monastery room, after the club training sessions, he trained individually for many more hours.
Despite extremely difficult beginnings, he is currently one of the best footballers in the world!
What if, under the influence of these difficulties, he gave up and returned to Brazil?
He would probably waste his life!
And You are ready to go to the end without giving up despite many difficulties and failures?
Or, like most, will you start and then quit because it's too hard?
If this article had an impact on you and finally allowed you to really understand that the path to being a professional footballer is extremely difficult and at the same time possible to overcome if you give your best and want to continue fighting for your dreams, share it and leave a like.
In addition, write in the comment what kind of player is a role model for you and you try to learn from him by looking at his game.